Tracertrak | How do I add a role?

Click on the plus button next to the Role column header in the People configuration page

A Role determines what permissions a person has within Tracertrak. These permissions determine what parts of Tracertrak can be accessed, ensuring there is adequate restrictions around who can manage and view what within your Tracertrak account. Tracertrak comes with a set of default roles that can be edited and renamed as desired.

From the Configure > People menu, click the add button found next to the Role column header. If there is not a role column header, the page is displayed by Role. Click on the Name option in the "Show by" configuration in the top right to display people by Name. Similar Add buttons can be found on other configuration pages next to other column headers, allowing the creation of items such as People and Profiles.

Enter a name for the role. The name should reflect the role that is being created and the intended permissions that will be given to the role.

Click the selection box next to each permission that is to be given to the role being created. The specific permissions given for each permission option are outlined below.

Click on Save when the desired permissions have been selected.

Once you have created your role, you can assign the role to the people who the role was created for.

Tracertrak Role Permissions Overview

Permission Name

Permission Details


Access to the Alarms page and the ability to view acknowledged and unacknowledged alarms. (mandatory for all roles)

Map Assets

Access to the Map page and the ability to view the historical locations of your devices on a map. (recommended for all roles)


Access to the Messages page and the ability to send and receive messages via the Console

Search History

Access to the History page

> Locations

Access to the Locations History page and the ability to view and export historical device locations

> Broadcasts

Access to the Broadcasts History page and the ability to view and export historical device broadcasts

> Alarms

Access to the Alarms History page and the ability to view and export historical alarms details

> Alerts

Access to the Alerts History page and the ability to view and export historical alarm notifications (Alerts)

> 2-way SMS

Access to the 2-way SMS History page and the ability to view and export historical 2-way SMS commands and responses

> Messages

Access to the Messages History page and the ability to view and export historical Messages to and from devices. NOTE: message content is only visible to the Account Administrator and the recipient of the message

> Messages

Access to the Messages History page and the ability to view and export historical Messages to and from devices. NOTE: message content is only visible to the Account Administrator and the recipient of the message


Access to the Configure page

> Devices

Access to the Configure > Devices page

> Edit Devices

Access to the Edit Device page and the ability to change the configuration of a device

> Assign Profiles

Ability to change the profile allocated to a device

> Create/Edit Device Groups

Ability to create and edit device groups and allocate devices to device groups

> Geofences

Access to the Configure > Geofences page

> Create/Edit Geofences

Ability to create geofences and edit the configuration of geofences

> Reports

Access to the Configure > Reports page

> Create/Edit Reports

Ability to create reports and edit reports

> Custom GIS

Access to the Configure > Custom GIS page

> Create/Edit Locations/Routes

Ability to create and edit locations and routes

> Create/Edit Location Groups

Ability to create and edit location groups

> Profiles

Access to the Configure > Profiles page

> Create/Edit Profiles

Ability to create and edit profiles.

> People

Access to the Configure > People page

> Create/Edit People

Ability to create and edit people

> Create/Edit Roles

Ability to create and edit roles

Administer Account

Access to the Administer page

> My Settings

Allows a person to manager their own personal Tracertrak settings. (mandatory for all roles)

> Acknowledge/End Alarms

Permission to acknowledge and end active alarms.

2-way SMS

2-way SMS commands will be actioned
