Tracertrak | How do I search for the location history of devices and people on the Tracertrak Map?

Select the Devices/People and the display criteria required, and click "GET"

The Map page enables you to map the last 90 days of locations and geographical data associated with the devices/people visible to you, as permitted by the device groups you have access to. Data displayed includes device locations, device tracks, alarm locations, company locations, routes and geofences. A maximum of 500 locations can be shown on the map at a time.

By default, the Map displays the last known locations for all devices visible to you.

From the Map Filter panel, you can customise the data displayed on the map by selecting which devices/people you want to view and the display criteria for which the location data is to be displayed for.

Selecting Devices/People

The devices/people that you want to display location data for, are selected from the Devices list. If the Devices list is not visible on the Map, use the find devices button to unhide the Devices list.

Select the checkboxes next to the devices/people that you want to display location data for. When the "display by" preference is set to Groups, you can select all devices/people in a group by selecting the checkbox next to the group title. You can use the search bar to quickly find devices/people you want to select.

Selecting Display Criteria

The display criteria for which you want to display location data for can be selected from the View Locations options panel found below the Devices list. The options available are:

  • All last known locations, displays the last known location of all selected devices/people.
  • Last known locations within X hours, displays the last known locations, that have occurred within the last X hours, where X is a value between 1 and 2376 (3 months).
  • Last X locations, displays the last X locations of all selected devices/people, where X is a value between 1 and 500.
  • Today's Locations, displays all locations of all selected devices/people, where the event date of the location data matches the current system date.
  • Between Date/Time A and Date/Time B, displays all location data for of all selected devices/people, where the event date and time of the location data falls between Date/Time A and Date/Time B. Date/Time B must be a later date/time than Date/Time A and must not be more than 3 months in the past.

Running "GET"

Once the devices/people and display criteria have been selected, click on the button at the bottom of the Map Filter panel. This will display all corresponding location data results on the map.

If any device selected does not have any location data for the display criteria selected, no location data will be displayed for those devices.

If all devices selected do not have any location data for the display criteria selected, no location data will be displayed. A notification will be displayed on the map advising the search criteria resulted in no location data.

The "include events without locations" option should only be used when wanting to view the text results for all historical device events. The use of this option will significantly affect the load time of the map.

Default Map

The default map, as defined by the Default Map selection at the top of the Map Filter panel, will display each time the map page is loaded. The default map can be changed by selecting a different default map from this selection tool.

Starting with a Clear Map

If you don't want any map search to run when you login to Tracertrak, select the "No Locations" option from the Default Map selection at the top of the Map Filter panel.
