Tracertrak | How do I create a Tracertrak Account?

Submit a Tracertrak Network Service Application to Pivotel Customer Care

Contact Pivotel Customer Care to arrange a call back to speak with a Pivotel Account Manager, to discuss your OH&S worker safety and asset management requirements.

Once a Tracertrak solution is agreed upon, your Pivotel Account Manager will send you the Tracertrak Network Service Application and GEOS Response form (if applicable) to complete.

The Tracertrak Network Service Application specifies who the account is being created for, if you require a GEOS Response enabled account, the contact details of the Account Administrator, any devices to be connected to the account and payment details for service fees associated with the account.

Accounts are typically created within 1 business day of receiving a Network Service Application. Upon creation of a Tracertrak account, a welcome email is sent to the Account Administrator allowing them to login and configure the account.

Australia & New Zealand

Please complete the Tracertrak Network Service Application, GEOS Response form (if applicable) and email to your Pivotel Account Manager or to if you have not been in contact with a Pivotel Account Manager.

Australian Customers Tracertrak Network Service Application & GEOS Response form

New Zealand Customers Tracertrak Network Service Application & GEOS Response form
