Tracertrak | What are Flexible Check-ins?

User controlled check-ins which provide flexibility and reduce management dependency

Flexible Check-ins Overview

Best used by groups who have dynamic operations, want flexibility about when they have to check-in and have reliable people who are able to manage their own safety.

Flexible Check-ins provide Tracertrak users the ability to turn check-in monitoring ON and OFF to match when they START and STOP working. A person with a satellite device would send an OK message to begin being monitored, continue to send OK messages within the specified check-in interval to confirm they are still OK and then send a CUSTOM message to opt out when they no longer need to be monitored. Flexible Check-ins allow the person to submit an OK when it most suits them, rather than having to meet rigid check-in times as per Fixed Check-ins. If the person fails to check-in within the check-in interval while being monitored, a missed check-in will be registered and a missed check-in alarm triggered if the number of allowed missed check-ins has been exceeded.

An OK message received after the check-in interval has expired will register as a check-in, reset the number of missed check-ins to zero and reset the check-in interval.

Flexible Check-ins deliver all the safety of Fixed Check-ins but in a way that can suit every worker, regardless of their dynamic schedule.


When a flexible check-in is configured in the profile allocated to the persons device, the person can start the check-in monitor whenever they require it. A flexible check-in consists of pre-defined opt-in and opt-out methods (typically the OK and CUSTOM messages) and a configurable check-in interval.

The check-in interval eg. 03:00h determines how long the person has after sending an check-in before they must send another check-in to prevent a missed check-in from being recorded.

For a flexible check-in with a 3 hour check-in interval that is commenced at 6:43am on Monday, the next check-in is expected on or before 9:43am, Monday. If a check-in is not received by 9:43am, Monday, Tracertrak will register a missed check-in at 9:44am, Monday. If a check-in is received at 8:17am, Monday, the number of missed check-ins will be reset to zero and the check-in interval will be reset to 3 hours, setting the next expected check-in to occur on or before 11:17am, Monday.

Once a missed check-in occurs, a missed check-in will be recorded every 3 hours (or what ever the check-in interval period is) that passes until a check-in is received of the person opts-out of being monitored. When the person opts-out of being monitored, the number of missed check-ins will be reset to zero and the missed check-in alarm will be deactivated.


  • Supported by all Device Types
  • Provides a high degree of confidence that the person is OK
  • Adapts to the operations of the person, allowing the person to opt-in and opt-out of being monitored
  • Allows a person to check-in at their convenience
  • Supports early check-ins
  • Once configured, does not require any further management for things such as public holidays or adhoc operations
  • Provides a sense of which people are actively being monitored and which are not
  • Allows the person to customise their own check-in interval (App Only)
  • 2-way devices can receive reminders to check-in


  • Requires the person to remember to opt-in to be monitored
  • Requires the person to remember to check-in while being monitored
  • Requires a manual button press to send the check-in

For a more detailed overview of Flexible check-ins and a comparison against the other types of check-ins, please see this Check-in Comparison.
